Making a Difference
by Deirdre Kelly
To anyone who thinks that the world is getting bleaker by the minute, York University’s young innovators provide grounds for optimism. Whether working as scientists or entrepreneurs, educators or entertainers, they are driving positive change in their fields.
The alumni selected for York’s second annual Top 30 Alumni Under 30 program are the leaders of tomorrow.

They are developing technology to convert plants into sustainable materials for industry, establishing equity and diversity policies in urban planning, and inspiring us with their gold medal performances in international sports – to mention only a few accomplishments.
Being a Top 30 Alumni Under 30 means effectively advocating for low-income communities
Representing some of the most inspiring York graduates, these 30 alumni are turning their passion, smarts and creativity into tools for righting the future. Where we might see challenges, they see an opportunity to make a difference. In fact, they’ve already made one.

Sayjon Ariyarathnam (BA ’16, MBA/JD ’20), one of this year’s honourees, mentors inner-city high school students who aspire to a career in the legal profession.
“Being a Top 30 Alumni Under 30 means effectively advocating for low-income communities to obtain access to justice and resources through a variety of means,” says Ariyarathnam, an associate at Toronto’s Blake, Cassels & Graydon. “York nurtured my interest in using governance as a tool to obtain positive and meaningful results.

For more stories of our young innovators inspiring positive change in the world, please visit York University’s 30 Alumni Under 30. ■